30 pm, less than 100 metres from Nandhini’s house, the police said. As Srinivasapuram dwellers had blocked the path, the robber took a U-turn and returned to the Marina Loop Road when he was caught with the bag. The incident occurred around 10. The deceased were identified as Nandhini, 24, a school teacher who was riding a motorcycle, and Shaker, 64, a retired state government employee who was out on a night walk, both belonging to Foreshore Estate.


They were chasing a youth on a Pulsar Wholesale Hand roll vacuum compression bags bike with helmet on who had robbed their handbag which had cash of `25,000 that was just withdrawn from an ATM. The robber was caught and thrashed by the public before being handed over to the police.A robbery attempt by a motorcycle-borne youth left two persons dead and another injured at Foreshore Estate late on Monday night, even as the police claimed that it has stepped up vigil in the city. The school teacher was riding a motorcycle along Marina Loop Road with Najju on the pillion.


A girl named Najju, aka Gayathri, 19, who is Nandhini’s relative, was injured. Losing control over her bike, Nandhini went off the Marina Loop Road, which is now being extended and landed on a stone pillar near which Shaker was standing. She consoled Nandhini saying the entire cash was intact. Her chase ended quickly as the robber pushed her vehicle down while he took a sharp turn into Srinivasapuram Beach Road. A robbery attempt by a motorcycle-borne youth left two persons dead and another injured at Foreshore Estate late on Monday night, even as the police claimed that it has stepped up vigil in the city. Passersby returned the stolen bag to Najju. While waiting for an ambulance, the public began thrashing the robber, identified as Karuna, aka Karunakaran, 24, of Red Hills.. All three suffered grievous injuries